As promised earlier, I’ve added a number of plug-ins to my site: creative commons license widget – cos I’ve been meaning to add it for ages Subscribe To Comments – because it’s so 2008. WP-PostRatings – as an experiment to see if anyone actually uses it. Hmmm… doesn’t look much like an orgy, does it?… Continue reading The orgy of the plug-ins
Tag: blogging
The rise of the spamblog
One of the more annoying trends of the past few months has been the rise of the spamblog. I’m not sure if that is the correct term for them (although I notice at least one other person refer to them as such), but they are those weblogs, apparently entirely bot created which do nothing other… Continue reading The rise of the spamblog
Iain Dale may be onto something – but at what price to his soul?
I’ve just been reading the two interviews that Iain Dale has just flagged up about his new Politico magazine. It’s an interesting business model – effectively The House Magazine with bite. The House Magazine has to be one of the most interminable publications going. Ostensibly a way of hoovering up lobby cash in the form… Continue reading Iain Dale may be onto something – but at what price to his soul?