I’ve set up the following new pledge on Pledgebank: I will buy the Jewel of Medina by Sherry Jones but only if 20 other freedom of speech supporters will do the same. Should speak for itself. If you don’t know why, see this article. You can also join Bridget Fox‘s Facebook group by going here.
Tag: censorship
KAPOW! Batman grows UP!
Holy censorship Batman! The Villainous Passportiser is attacking us again with “Do You Know Who I Am” press release gun. Apparently, people have been shocked to discover that the new Batman film isn’t for kiddies. A year’s worth of advertising centering around the horrifically disfigured villain, plus the fact that it is a sequel to… Continue reading KAPOW! Batman grows UP!
Child porn, cartoons and unintended consequences
Everyone hates child porn, right? So, superficially, who could possibly object to government proposals to “help close a loophole that we believe paedophiles are using”? The problem is twofold however. Firstly, what the government is planning to do is “create a new offence for the possession of non-photographic visual depictions of child sexual abuse.” From… Continue reading Child porn, cartoons and unintended consequences