Appalling media misinformation about kryptonite today. As any fule kno, kryptonite doesn’t have to be green, that is just the type that kills Kryptonians (not ‘sap them of their powers’ as the BBC and others put it – that’s gold kryptonite). In fact, white kryptonite is supposed to have a lethal effect on plantlife, but… Continue reading Where is Lois when you need her?
Tag: comics
Gunning for Pedro
The Evening Standard is getting all excited about some of the poses struck by Cho Seung-Hui and their similarities to some of the characters’ in Korean Film Oldboy. Not very difficult subtext to work out there: Korean = mad killer obsessed society = accident waiting to happen. Twas ever thus from the Northcliffe Press. Having… Continue reading Gunning for Pedro
Extreme Normalcy
I’m intrigued that the latest 2000AD Extreme Edition features a number of old Max Normal reprints, given that this somewhat obscure supporting character got his own little (acknowledged) homage in Saturday’s Doctor Who. Has the editor (and former DWM honcho) Alan Barnes been on the blower to Russell T? It’s all a conspiracy. UPDATE: As… Continue reading Extreme Normalcy