I’ve occasionally wondered if John Harris is in fact Johann Hari in a strawberry blonde wig – the two names are virtually identical. Now, it seems, he has taken to quoting from his own articles – Johann wrote an almost identical piece, albeit with more brevity, a few months ago. All this tut-tutting though, to… Continue reading We’re all snobs now?
Tag: commentariat
Guess the columnist
One of the fun things about reading the early edition of the Guardian online, is that when you click on “comment” you get a list of headlines, but with no indication of who wrote what. So you can play a guessing game. Anyone care to guess, for instance, who wrote an article with this title,… Continue reading Guess the columnist
Comment is Gallifrey
Is it me or does the banner the Guardian are using to advertise Comment Is Free resemble one of those cheesy montages of all the Doctor Whos. A thought strikes: maybe all the Guardian columnists are actually the same Time Lord regenerating again and again? In that case, which one is the Valeyard? My money’s… Continue reading Comment is Gallifrey