Two Ds, Two faces?

I spotted this quote from David Davis this morning but LDV beat me to it: “I’m sorry that Labour and the Liberal Democrats funked it, but we’re still having a good argument and getting the issue raised.” Both personally and professionally I’ve spent quite a lot of time defending Davis’ actions, at least up to… Continue reading Two Ds, Two faces?

David Davis – the view from Strasbourg (well, Kehl actually)

What funny games appear to be going on in Westminster at the moment. First, Labour and the DUP redefine porkbarreling for the UK context (deny everything, smirk, smirk), then David Davis resigns – with Clegg’s backing. In terms of the latter, I’m just confused by the whole business. It is a little moot about whether… Continue reading David Davis – the view from Strasbourg (well, Kehl actually)