For the past four years, I’ve spent much of my job working on party funding related issues. This has given me a rather apolitical outlook when it comes to funding scandals. “Abrahamsgate” and “Wendygate” are no exceptions. Don’t get me wrong; the decision of Peter Watt, apparently his predeccessors and almost certainly a lot of… Continue reading Party Funding: easy on the hubris folks!
Tag: conservative-party
Tory Coops?
David Cameron is launching the Conservative Cooperative Movement today: He is set to announce the creation of the Conservative Co-operative Movement to help people form groups to take control of some local public services. Chris Huhne has a head start on this. His policy review on public services made a big deal about mutuals running… Continue reading Tory Coops?
Anti-choice Tories attack freedom of information
You’ve got to laugh. Ben Goldacre writes: In the case of this Minority Report on abortion, it’s a rollercoaster ride of pseudoscience and dubious data, signed by one Tory MP with the support of one other, and I highly recommend giving it a read. I’ve posted the PDF here, until it appears on the parliament… Continue reading Anti-choice Tories attack freedom of information