I’ve been going down the list of tax cuts that John Redwood is proposing. Scrapping inheritance tax, lowering corporation tax, raising the super tax threshold, restricting capital gains… to be brutally honest, I regard all of these as good things in principle, but even leaving aside the affordability issue, how can they be said to… Continue reading Those Redwood tax cuts – a question of priorities
Tag: conservative-party
Jonathan Calder points us to a fascinatingly revealing quote from Gideon Osborne: “Of course we want a very dynamic and successful City of London. But Britain cannot just be the City of London and then 50-odd million people living off the back of those who work in financial services.” This line has clearly been carefully… Continue reading Gideonics
Racist or clown?
Just a bit of housekeeping from my appearance on 18DS’ Vox Politix on Monday (it’s still available to view at the moment), to follow up on an issue that has been bugging me. Caroline Hunt took great exception to my reference to the various attacks that have been made about Boris Johnson’s views on black… Continue reading Racist or clown?