I’m Henry the Eighth, I am, I am…

Amidst the comments from this amusing post on Lib Dem Voice about the Conservative Party logo is the following comment from Tristan Mills: Now, the true story on party logos is Labour’s offensive use of the red rose – symbol of Lancashire and sometimes of England. As an Englishman with lancastrian heritage I object strongly… Continue reading I’m Henry the Eighth, I am, I am…

The froth has started

Have you noticed how, since Gordon Brown took over, politics has acquired something of an edge? Of course, there was the Ealing Southall silliness, in which the political blogosphere became obsessed with spin and counter-spin (mea culpa, feeble “I didn’t start it” excuses notwithstanding). Now, with the dead tree press’ traditional silly season in full… Continue reading The froth has started