Dawn Butler and Diane Abbott are having a pop at Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson: Ms Butler highlighted a 2002 article in which Mr Johnson referred to the Queen being greeted in Commonwealth countries by “flag-waving piccaninnies”. She claimed he also said that he expected, during a mooted visit by Tony Blair to the Congo,… Continue reading More BBC nonsense
Tag: conservative-party
Knick-knack Paddick-whack
Regular readers may recall that I don’t have too much faith in the capacity of parties to find suitable candidates for London Mayor. The problem is, there are simply too few roles available for people to perform credible “apprenticeships” for the top job, the GLA being an anonymous talking shop. Thus far the only elected… Continue reading Knick-knack Paddick-whack
Gay Rights: a shit writes
It’s fascinating to speculate the psychology behind Alan Duncan’s decision to publicly call Jo Swinson MP a “shit” for inconveniently pointing out the Tories’ lamentable record on gay rights. As I pointed out a couple of months ago, the Conservative Parliamentary Party response to Cameron calling for his party to support the Sexual Orientation Regulations… Continue reading Gay Rights: a shit writes