Punch accuses Judy of floods

I had to laugh reading the title of the webcameron email today: Brown’s been PM for a week, and it hasn’t stopped raining. At least it isn’t those pesky gays again. This is in relation to one of “Dave’s” blog posts (which the newsletter instructs us to believe is amusing written (sic)), in which he… Continue reading Punch accuses Judy of floods

Shuffling in the shadows

There have been not one, but two, shadow cabinet reshuffles since I last blogged. I’m beginning to make the dead tree press look positively on the pulse. First, the Conservative one. I can’t decide if Cameron has simply decided to copy everything Gordon Brown says, or if he has given up the ghost and has… Continue reading Shuffling in the shadows

From the party that brought you “Mark Hunter is a rapist”

We are to believe, of course, that there is no smoke without fire. So, with that in mind, it is entirely possible that Grant Shapps has dredged up some disgruntled lunatic who will testify that the Lib Dems run secret poster lotteries. Of course, for it to be actually true, you’d have to be able… Continue reading From the party that brought you “Mark Hunter is a rapist”