Kawczynski is a disgrace

In a very short term, Daniel Kawcynski has, for me, come to represent everything that is venal about the Conservative Party. I’ve already written about him a couple of times, about his fact-free attack on electoral reform and his equally evidence-lite claim that evil liberals were trying to stir up hatred against Poles. Now he… Continue reading Kawczynski is a disgrace

Do you “deserve” your rights?

Anyone who thinks our civil liberties will be any better protected by a Conservative Government should think again. Speaking in Bangor (the Northern Ireland flavour) on Friday, the News Letter reports Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve saying: … there is “a rights culture” which is “out of control”, not just in Ulster, but throughout the… Continue reading Do you “deserve” your rights?

Andrew Pelling MP becomes punchline to much loved joke

On the one hand, this story is yet another example of the paranoia that is dominating the police at the moment. It is telling that the only MP who seems to be happy about the situation is a man who had the whip withdrawn for assault allegations (now dropped). On the other hand, it does… Continue reading Andrew Pelling MP becomes punchline to much loved joke