Jenni Russell has written an article attacking ContactPoint, the much maligned national children’s database that the government are still insisting on trotting out. The only problem is, she has written it as a piece of Tory hagiography. We might be able to let her off the title – Another invasion of liberty. And only the… Continue reading Why is Jenni Russell praising Cameron Come Lately?
Tag: database-state
Rafael, the thing about golden ages is that they tend to end
Congratulations to Rafael Behr for writing what is possibly the most complacent, ahistorical article I’ve read thus far in 2009. It’s not that any of the facts he alludes to are particularly wrong, its that he completely misses the point. Can the era we currently live in be legitimately described as a “golden age of… Continue reading Rafael, the thing about golden ages is that they tend to end
Ashdown, Amnesty and the ippr
Background: last week I wrote a short article on Lib Dem Voice about the ippr’s new report on surveillance and data protection, pointing out how it had been funded and lamenting the fact that Lord Ashdown has, in effect, been used to legitimise the argument. This resulted in a furious response from Lord Ashdown himself,… Continue reading Ashdown, Amnesty and the ippr