Guardian Readers burn Tim Leunig in effigy. Press, politico and blog reaction to the Policy Exchange’s Cities Unlimited report has been quite extraordinary. The Guardian today was particularly wretched, producing a big special article extolling the North (if you really think it’s so great, why did you leave Manchester then?) and quoting David Cameron extensively… Continue reading Is it okay to hate Tim Leunig?
Tag: economics
Tim Leunig: “unworkable, unreasonable and perhaps plain barmy”? (UPDATE)
The Guardian is getting itself into a lather attacking the “Tories’ favourite thinktank” for suggesting that Northern towns are failures. What they don’t report is that the pamphlet in question is co-written by the Lib Dems’ own Tim Leunig. The summary of the pamphlet does indeed sound quite provocative. The idea that people should simply… Continue reading Tim Leunig: “unworkable, unreasonable and perhaps plain barmy”? (UPDATE)
Economics and oil
I didn’t watch all of Question Time this week but one thing that Eric Pickles said flew out at me (in what was otherwise an incoherent mess once Dimblebum had punctured his well rehearsed soundbite): before tax, the UK has the lowest priced diesel in Europe. It sounds like a startling, killer fact, but it… Continue reading Economics and oil