Following on from a conversation I had with a friend the other day, I thought I’d mention this idea here. I’m sure it has been proposed before, but why aren’t London parking meters made a part of the Oyster network? The advantages would appear to be legion: 1. Per minute billing would encourage people to… Continue reading Parking in London
Tag: economics
The Wintertons aren’t abusing the system – the system is the problem
So, let’s get this straight. Nicholas and Ann “ten a penny” Winterton have used the Commons’ Additional Costs Allowance to buy an expensive Westminster flat and, having bought it, have passed it onto a trust to which they now pay rent – via the Additional Costs Allowance. Shocked? Horrified? Well, you should be, but not… Continue reading The Wintertons aren’t abusing the system – the system is the problem
Tories confused over whether Peter should rob Paul or not
Last week, you may remember David Cameron defending his plans to fine hospitals for superbug infections on their turf: “We have got to make sure every hospital, every service, is prioritising this and the best way to do that is to make it part of the payment by results system. “That will mean that every… Continue reading Tories confused over whether Peter should rob Paul or not