Jonathan Calder points us to a fascinatingly revealing quote from Gideon Osborne: “Of course we want a very dynamic and successful City of London. But Britain cannot just be the City of London and then 50-odd million people living off the back of those who work in financial services.” This line has clearly been carefully… Continue reading Gideonics
Tag: economics
Foolball economics
I’m confused about what Don Foster wants us to do about the price of football tickets in the UK: “This just goes to show that rip-off Britain is alive and well. “If European clubs can keep their prices down, there’s no reason why English clubs can’t follow their lead. “Despite the recent enormous TV cash… Continue reading Foolball economics
The demographics of Um?
I meant to blog about the Centre for Um discussion paper on demographic change by Alasdair Murray a couple of months ago, but I ended up getting distracted. As part of my general post-holiday catch-up, I thought I’d get my comments off my chest now, but as it was a while since I read the… Continue reading The demographics of Um?