I’m cautiously optimistic about the rumoured plan of a 2.5% drop in VAT. It sounds like a good move to me, for several reasons. One thing a VAT cut won’t do is lead automatically to a reduction in prices. Most food isn’t VAT-rated and it is hard to believe that a CD priced £9.99 this… Continue reading Cutting tax is not a zero sum game
Tag: economics
What do the Scottish Greens and Guido have in common?
Both today are calling for Land Value Taxation, or at least they seem to be. The Scottish Greens certainly are. Municipal tax reform in Scotland remains in deadlock and dependent on at least one other party agreeing with the principle of local income tax. That seems unlikely at the moment, even if the Lib Dems… Continue reading What do the Scottish Greens and Guido have in common?
In defence of Sarah Palin (sorta)
Bloggers have been lining up to expose the “hypocrisy” and “stupidity” of Sarah Palin calling Barack Obama an evil socialist for calling for redistribution, while supporting it herself: “And Alaska – we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the… Continue reading In defence of Sarah Palin (sorta)