Make it Happen for the laydeez

One of the less remarked upon aspects of Nick Clegg’s “Make it Happen” campaign is the deliberate attempt to appeal to a younger female demographic as part of the initiative: Rumours that Cleggy will be doing a burlesque striptease as part of his speech this autumn, or that the title of the party’s final manifesto… Continue reading Make it Happen for the laydeez

KAPOW! Batman grows UP!

Holy censorship Batman! The Villainous Passportiser is attacking us again with “Do You Know Who I Am” press release gun. Apparently, people have been shocked to discover that the new Batman film isn’t for kiddies. A year’s worth of advertising centering around the horrifically disfigured villain, plus the fact that it is a sequel to… Continue reading KAPOW! Batman grows UP!

Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls (spoilers)

I have to admit I doing my best to keep expectations down to a minimum with this film. I still bear the scars of the Star Wars prequels. On the other hand, this film had two things going for it that those films did not: firstly, the setting is (literally) more down to earth –… Continue reading Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls (spoilers)