New Conservatives, Same Old Tories

It would emerge that the aforementioned Cllr Brian Gordon has got into trouble before for comparing immigrants to garbage. Meanwhile, Davey Cameron himself is in hot water for breaching Parliamentary Standards. Presumably heads will roll in his office? Don’t hold your breath. That non-partisan Guido Fawkes, who fearlessly attacks all political sleaze and flummery, has… Continue reading New Conservatives, Same Old Tories

Guido takes on the establishment

Guido Fawkes has been given a spot on Newsnight. He asks some perfectly legitimate questions, and gets some perfectly legitimate answers, but both sides appear to be missing the point. Ultimately, it is healthy in a democracy to have people like Guido sticking their fingers in the air at the establishment. They often go off… Continue reading Guido takes on the establishment

Guido’s not a Tory? Fawkes off!

This whole Blog Wars thing is all rather silly, but possibly the silliest aspect of it is hearing people from all parts of the political spectrum defend Guido as being non-partisan. This argument appears to rest on the basis that, from time to time, he slags off Tories as well as people from other parties.… Continue reading Guido’s not a Tory? Fawkes off!