even less EXCLUSIVE: Chris Huhne talks to Quaequam Blog! (part 2)

I meant to get this finished on Wednesday but I went to a meeting at the Telegraph offices to hear the usual suspects talk about political blogging instead – yet again I was the only Lib Dem in the village. The only one who didn’t seem enamoured with the Power Of The Blog was Alex… Continue reading even less EXCLUSIVE: Chris Huhne talks to Quaequam Blog! (part 2)

Why are the Tories in such a mess over Europe?

Am I the only person to notice that the Tories were facing in both directions when it came to democracy yesterday? At the same time as condemning Tony Blair for ruling out a referendum on the next European treaty, they were launching a new policy paper which, among other things, called for directly elected mayors… Continue reading Why are the Tories in such a mess over Europe?

Brown Meme

Praguetory has tagged me with Matt Wardman’s Brown Meme. Unlike a lot of memes, this one seems to have the potential for an interesting debate, so here goes: * 2 things Gordon Brown should be proud of. – Helping to make Labour electable – (Most of) Labour’s constitutional reform agenda in their first term of… Continue reading Brown Meme