Is it too much to ask for the BBC to get anything right? Take this quote for example: [Chamali] Fernando is a barrister from Finchley, who says he plans to put forward issues, ask tough questions and campaign across London. He wants to present Liberal Democracy “as the tonic for Londoners from all walks of… Continue reading Why can’t the BBC get anything right?
Tag: london
Get tough on the fear of crime
One of the things that most irritated me about the Orange Book a few years ago was David Laws hectoring the Lib Dems for not doing enough to acknowledge how the fear of crime affects people’s daily lives (I paraphrase as I don’t have the book in front of me right now). Boris Johnson made… Continue reading Get tough on the fear of crime
Why Islington Labour are the most appalling hypocrites
There’s been some hoo–haa recently about Emily Thornberry MP buying up former housing association property at auction. Interestingly, she denies it is an investment, claiming the property will be used to, as Ms Thornberry puts it, “provide cheap and cheerful accommodation for some young people,” while the Islington Tribune article that appears in suggests it… Continue reading Why Islington Labour are the most appalling hypocrites