There is something excrutiating about being represented by Brian Coleman. I’m not so partisan that I cannot tolerate having MPs and Assembly members of other political parties. I’ve never particularly felt shame at being represented, through the years, by Jackie Lait, Gerald Kaufman, Hilary Benn (must stop namechecking Benns!), James Plaskitt or Rudi Vis. Yes,… Continue reading Coleman’s hatch should be trapped shut
Tag: london
Stoke dumps mayor
Stoke on Trent has voted to get rid of its directly elected mayor, something which a large number of Lewisham residents have been trying to do for years. Can anyone explain to me why the former referendum was allowed but not the latter? Part of the explanation may be the comparative strength of the BNP… Continue reading Stoke dumps mayor
Boris Johnson: taking the piff
What on Earth is happening in City Hall? If you want to know if a ship is seaworthy, look at which way the rats are running. It doesn’t look good. Today’s latest debacle suggests that he is rapidly turning into the liability for David Cameron that some of us predicted he would be: He wrote:… Continue reading Boris Johnson: taking the piff