Bums and Willies! Now that I’ve got your attention…

Two MPs have recently been turning the controversy surrounding their decision to insult their opponents as a way of progressing their agenda. Daniel Hannan, an MEP who has achieved the remarkable distinction of managing to look even younger than his clearly low mental age, has implicitly compared one of his German colleagues to a Nazi… Continue reading Bums and Willies! Now that I’ve got your attention…

The malevolent domination of Simon Hoggart

Reading this sketch (ho, and indeed, hum) on the BBC website by Susan Hulme, I was struck by this thought: “why do so many bad sketch writers think that the way to do it is to impersonate Simon Hoggart’s personal writing style?” It’s all there: the short sentences, the lame gags about individual’s physical characteristics,… Continue reading The malevolent domination of Simon Hoggart

New Statesman: not very Bright

Given that Martin Bright has made a very high profile attack on Ken Livingstone this week for, among other things, his links with Hugo Chavez, I have to say I find it very amusing that the magazine of which he is Political Editor, the New Statesman, is currently offering this to all new subscribers: Pay… Continue reading New Statesman: not very Bright