Nick Clegg is going on the GMTV Sunday Programme this Sunday, following Chris Huhne’s appearance last weekend. I’ve been sent a transcript and, well… I kind of get what he’s doing but it’s just so woolly. He’s very keen to push the Pupil Premiums idea, but worryingly he appears all over the place about how… Continue reading EXCLUSIVE – Nick Clegg on Tax: “er…”
Tag: media
even less EXCLUSIVE: Chris Huhne talks to Quaequam Blog! (part 2)
I meant to get this finished on Wednesday but I went to a meeting at the Telegraph offices to hear the usual suspects talk about political blogging instead – yet again I was the only Lib Dem in the village. The only one who didn’t seem enamoured with the Power Of The Blog was Alex… Continue reading even less EXCLUSIVE: Chris Huhne talks to Quaequam Blog! (part 2)
Glasnost reaches the BBC at last!
People wondering why the BBC left Emily Thornberry’s name off their report about her altering Electoral Commission press releases may be interested to note that her name has now been added to the story, along with the following statement: * Earlier versions of this story did not include the name of the MP as it… Continue reading Glasnost reaches the BBC at last!