Jonathan Calder asks a pertinent question about this story: Why doesn’t the BBC name Emily Thornberry? As he says, the matter is published on the Parliament website. It’s a bit odd when the BBC are being even more secretive than Parliament. I’m not clear whether this is intended to protect her or mischievously give the… Continue reading The wisdom of Emily Thornberry
Tag: media
Littlewood and the Westminster Hour
Some interesting points here from Mark Littlewood regarding the Lib Dem leadership contest. I agree with him that Chris Huhne needs to present himself more as a team player, and that Nick Clegg should be wary of relying on a campaign team that nearly lead Ming Campbell to defeat. I also – strongly – endorse… Continue reading Littlewood and the Westminster Hour
Celebs vs Cerebral
Candidate A has an article in the Telegraph today bigging up his social justice credentials. Candidate B has an article in the Observer today bigging up his celebrity friends and that he’ll be meeting Halle Berry this week. Candidate A is definitely giving the activists, including me, what they want. But Candidate B seems to… Continue reading Celebs vs Cerebral