The druggie versus the hoodie

What’s worse? Huhne’s LSD-associated past, or Clegg’s past encounter with peyote? Seriously for a minute, is that Times article on Huhne accurate? According to it, Huhne’s name is on the article. But according to the copy which I pilfered from that nice Mr Fawkes (February 2006, by the way), no name appears anywhere on the… Continue reading The druggie versus the hoodie

Ministry of Truth: “our film was a load of old toss”

I suppose honesty is a virtue: I’m getting into exactly the kind of debate that would fill an LSE lecture hall and keep the public watching Rebecca Loos make a pig ejaculate. The path we chose was the academic’s polar opposite without the farmyard. So there you have it. The limits of the Ministry of… Continue reading Ministry of Truth: “our film was a load of old toss”

Nick Clegg: burying Caesar?

Am I the only one who finds it quite confusing that LibDems4Chris is written by a guy called Nick? For the record, I really am still genuinely undecided. My assessment is that Chris is the better strategist and Nick is the better communicator. Nick will win my vote if he can convince me he has… Continue reading Nick Clegg: burying Caesar?