My post yesterday about the other Ministry of Truth has provoked a response from the original Ministry of Truth. Pleasingly, it would appear that Unity and myself broadly agree both on this documentary in particular and the BBC’s Why Democracy? season in general. Meanwhile, it appears that Michael Howard has withdrawn his consent to appear… Continue reading Ministries at War!
Tag: media
Stephen Fry and Charlie Brooker: important television
I’ve done an unusual thing for me this evening, sitting in front of the television. Normally I’m glued in front of the computer, often to watch TV programmes from the previous week, or watching DVDs of TV programmes that I watched years ago, so I should perhaps not try to claim the mantle of an… Continue reading Stephen Fry and Charlie Brooker: important television
Ministry of Truth? Why is this lying liar lying to us?
Who is the Ministry of Truth? I used to think the answer to that was simple: it is Unity (whoever the fuck that is). It turns out however that there are two Ministry of Truths. The other Ministry of Truth has been running this advert on Messagespace for the past few days. It doesn’t appear… Continue reading Ministry of Truth? Why is this lying liar lying to us?