A final word on Carol Thatcher

I haven’t been able to avoid this story in the way that I would have wished. One thing that I’ve been wondering about this whole debacle is: why didn’t the BBC insist on Thatcher doing race sensitivity training? It’s a serious question. It is now clear that she was referring to a black man and… Continue reading A final word on Carol Thatcher

Thought for the day: does Giles Fraser have a point?

The Vicar of Putney writes: The problem is that atheism is defined by what it’s against, that it is not theism. And to introduce such a sense of “againstness” would fundamentally alter TftD’s character. Some years ago, Richard Dawkins was offered a slot to experiment with a secular TftD. He told us religious explanations were… Continue reading Thought for the day: does Giles Fraser have a point?