Make it Happen for the laydeez

One of the less remarked upon aspects of Nick Clegg’s “Make it Happen” campaign is the deliberate attempt to appeal to a younger female demographic as part of the initiative: Rumours that Cleggy will be doing a burlesque striptease as part of his speech this autumn, or that the title of the party’s final manifesto… Continue reading Make it Happen for the laydeez

Comment is Bonkers

I’ve written another piece for Comment is Free today, voicing concerns about Nick Clegg’s centralising tendencies: I am reminded by the party’s stance on Iraq, and how it came about. Will Clegg’s COG enable the grassroots to drag the party leadership, kicking and screaming if need be, to where it needs to be, or is… Continue reading Comment is Bonkers

Why didn’t Clegg visit H&H?

Please disregard the football-related metaphor in the heading (not my choice of words), but here is my CiF piece on the Haltemprice and Howden by-election. It would appear that my analysis is pretty much the same as Stephen Tall’s – i.e. Clegg was right to back Davis but failed to press his advantage home: However… Continue reading Why didn’t Clegg visit H&H?