It seems I am caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, the Lib Dem PP’s refusal to back a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty under any circumstances is something I’m not happy with. On the other hand, saying so publicly makes me subject to the fatuous braying of Tory bloggers… Continue reading What is a constitution?
Tag: nick-clegg
The Orange Book Delusion
The enduring irritation about the Orange Book is not its content, which was broadly uncontentious, but the mythical book which everyone who never read it imagines exists. So once again my heart sinks when I read Nick Assinder claim: In his first major speech since winning the job, Mr Clegg has pretty much adopted the… Continue reading The Orange Book Delusion
The Clegg era starts here
Notwithstanding my gripe on Thursday, Nick Clegg has had a very good week. He started by putting the finishing touches to his front bench, made a series of appointments regarding reforming party structures (about which I must get around to blogging about it detail at some point), made a well-judged debut at PMQs and has… Continue reading The Clegg era starts here