Nick Clegg: It’s beat up an activist day!

Oh dear, oh dear, and he was doing so well: Nick Clegg will unveil plans to end state interference in schools this week as he moves to bury the Liberal Democrats’ traditional approach to public services. In his first keynote speech since becoming party leader, Clegg will challenge many of the party’s supporters in teaching… Continue reading Nick Clegg: It’s beat up an activist day!

Is truly liberal multiculturalism possible?

In my weakened state over having to do back to work on Monday I managed to get myself into a ridiculous argument about the Bishop of Rochester’s comments about Muslim “no-go areas” over at Lib Dem Voice. Apologies to all concerned who are already banging their heads in weariness of the debate. I just thought… Continue reading Is truly liberal multiculturalism possible?

The Lib Dem B Team (UPDATE)

Since my last post on Clegg’s frontbench reshuffled caused such a stir, I thought I ought to at least comment on the finalisation of his team. Firstly, on the question that adding the names makes the teams too large, I don’t accept this. The Shadow Ministers have limited roles to focus on specific areas; there… Continue reading The Lib Dem B Team (UPDATE)