What is going on with Team Clegg? As Mark Littlewood wrote earlier this week, Clegg has surrounded himself with a team of people who, in 2006, very nearly let a 200-1 longshot defeat him. It has taken them a geological age, in political terms, for them to get their website up and running. Then, yesterday,… Continue reading Team Clegg: in full scale meltdown?
Tag: nick-clegg
Littlewood and the Westminster Hour
Some interesting points here from Mark Littlewood regarding the Lib Dem leadership contest. I agree with him that Chris Huhne needs to present himself more as a team player, and that Nick Clegg should be wary of relying on a campaign team that nearly lead Ming Campbell to defeat. I also – strongly – endorse… Continue reading Littlewood and the Westminster Hour
Celebs vs Cerebral
Candidate A has an article in the Telegraph today bigging up his social justice credentials. Candidate B has an article in the Observer today bigging up his celebrity friends and that he’ll be meeting Halle Berry this week. Candidate A is definitely giving the activists, including me, what they want. But Candidate B seems to… Continue reading Celebs vs Cerebral