Banning things

Madsen Pirie wrote the following on the Adam Smith Blog last week: Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has a real problem. Last week one of his MPs tabled a bill in Parliament to force pubs and bars to sell wine in small measures only, while one of his party’s MEPs called for a ban on… Continue reading Banning things

Is “42 days” a ruse for something else?

Say what you like about the Labour government, they are experts at the art of splitting the difference. Even when they lose, by and large they win. For example, the existing rules on allowing terrorist suspects to be locked up for 28 days without charge was a “compromise” eked out of the last time they… Continue reading Is “42 days” a ruse for something else?

The pope’s a dope!

Two recent stories about the state of the Catholic Church deserve repeating here. The first regarding Pope Benedict’s decision to pull out of a visit to a Rome university. The reason? Students are up in arms over his defence of the notorious trial of Galileo. Yep, that’s right. Ratzinger’s a flat earther and believes it… Continue reading The pope’s a dope!