File under ‘No Shit, Sherlock’

From the BBC: Teenagers who drink alcohol with their parents in moderation are less likely to binge drink, research suggests. Hopefully, what little credibility Alcohol Concern had before today has now completely evaporated.

Madeleine McCann – is there something we should know?

I’m getting increasingly suspicious about the media management of the Madeleine McCann story. Something tells me that there is something quite significant that we aren’t being told and that the family has had professional help in ensuring that only a carefully crafted and sympathetic narrative is recounted by the mass media. Firstly, there is the… Continue reading Madeleine McCann – is there something we should know?

Fork an Iguana for Queen and Country!

Respect is due to Hot Ginger And Dynamite’s post rant about St George’s Day. For the record, I’d love it to be a bank holiday as we don’t have nearly enough of them compared to the continentals. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to start waving a bloody flag all of a sudden, just as… Continue reading Fork an Iguana for Queen and Country!