The froth has started

Have you noticed how, since Gordon Brown took over, politics has acquired something of an edge? Of course, there was the Ealing Southall silliness, in which the political blogosphere became obsessed with spin and counter-spin (mea culpa, feeble “I didn’t start it” excuses notwithstanding). Now, with the dead tree press’ traditional silly season in full… Continue reading The froth has started

Tory MPs split down the middle

Iain Dale declared yesterday that “we are all progressive Conservatives now.” Er, no you ain’t: On every statement apart from one, 83 per cent or more of Labour MPs agree (the exception being whether Britain is a united country, where there is a 59 to 41 per cent split). By contrast, on several key questions… Continue reading Tory MPs split down the middle

Is the media a ‘feral beast’? Science has the answer!

Tony Blair is lamenting about that eeevil old media. You know, the thing that he used to become Prime Minister: the media can operate like “a feral beast” and its relationship with politicians is “damaged” and in need of repair. Can this be true? Well, it would appear that we now have a way to… Continue reading Is the media a ‘feral beast’? Science has the answer!