Breathe in… breathe out…

For some reason, this story reminds me of this joke (the version of this joke that I know replaces the ‘blonde’ with a Labour MP and the voice in the earphones is Peter Mandelson – which probably shows my age).

48 hours, £2,000? No sweat!

At midnight this Thursday, the deadline by which the various Campaign for Gender Balance pledges have to have reached their targets expires. Thus far, we’ve reached 60% of our target and more than £3,000, but need 19 more people to sign up in order to hit our target. Will you be one of them? The… Continue reading 48 hours, £2,000? No sweat!

Lies, damned lies, and election results

Iain Dale points me to two differing accounts of the local election results, one by Sean Fear and the other by Mark Pack. Dale hails the former and dismisses the latter as “desperate post election spin” but I know who I’d rather have on my psephological team. Sean peddles the increasingly desperate-sounding myth that these… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, and election results