Why London gives parties nightmayors

The difficulties that both the Lib Dems and Tories are experiencing in finding suitable candidates for London Mayor is clearly unfortunate, but not entirely unpredictable. Labour of course had its own problem back in 2000, eventually opting for the laughable Frank Dobson (ruining his career in the process) who was trounced by the then-independent Ken… Continue reading Why London gives parties nightmayors

Oliver Kamm: wrong then, wrong now

Oliver Kamm is predicting doom and gloom about political blogs again: The blogosphere, in short, is a reliable vehicle for the coagulation of opinion and the poisoning of debate. It is a fact of civic life that is changing how politics is conducted – overwhelmingly for the worse, and with no one accountable for the… Continue reading Oliver Kamm: wrong then, wrong now

Free food?

Lord Greaves has claimed that the existing laws on treating are being flouted by all parties in the run up to the election. He may be right or wrong; all I know is that I don’t seem to ever get offered any.