Why Tories are so poor at the art of seduction

What a pathetic little nothing Gideon Osbourne is. After moaning about how Gordon Brown ignores him (Gordo’s only human I guess), he went on to suggest the man was autistic. Now the little squit, having been outed for shamelessly going around trying to get MPs to defect, is suggesting that the people he has been… Continue reading Why Tories are so poor at the art of seduction

Internal party democracy – Tory style

If you can ignore the fact that the Conservative policy is for the House of Lords to be elected using the first past the post system, which is itself a closed list system, you could be forgiven for thinking they had quite a principled take in the Lords reform debate a few weeks ago. To… Continue reading Internal party democracy – Tory style

Credible Politicians

I was on Five Live’s Julian Worricker programme briefly on Sunday, making my nomination for most credible politician as part of their Political Awards (the piece was on at around 12pm, so about 2 hours in if you want a listen). My nomination was for David Howarth. I have to admit, I struggled with this… Continue reading Credible Politicians