A Grand Left Wing Conspiracy

Nigel Farage is going around telling anyone who’ll listen that there is an (presumably euro-philic) establishment conspiracy to shut down the Electoral CommissionUK Independence Party, based on the ‘trivial’ fact that they have been in receipt of hundreds of thousands of pounds of illegal donations. Far be it for me to gloat. Well, okay, I… Continue reading A Grand Left Wing Conspiracy

SNP: Lib Dems should apologise for stating the bleeding obvious

Full marks to Danny Alexander for making a factual statement which, too often, people like to hide away from in politics these days: “Nationalism is about building up barriers between people, liberalism is about breaking those barriers down.” Apparently, Alex Salmond is now demanding an apology from Danny, and from Jamie Stone for saying the… Continue reading SNP: Lib Dems should apologise for stating the bleeding obvious