Staines’ and Taylor’s self-righteous face-off

Paul “Guido” Staines and Matthew Taylor are having an indirect war of words today, with both sides blaming the other for the current ‘crisis’ in democracy. Frankly, this is self-aggrandisement on a massive scale. Websites such as Order-Order hardly help restore people’s trust in politics, but anyone who believes, as Matthew Taylor appears to, that… Continue reading Staines’ and Taylor’s self-righteous face-off

Is the A-list really not working?

Some Lib Dem bloggers have been very keen to crow about the reported ‘failure’ of the Tory A-list at attracting ethnic minority candidates. Personally, I’m not so sure we should be quite so triumphalist. According to the statistics published in the Telegraph today, of the winnable Tory seats that have selected thus far, 5% of… Continue reading Is the A-list really not working?

Caroline Spelman: “Me Am Bizarro Minister”

One of the more annoying Superman villains is Bizarro. Not really a villain at all, he’s a kind of bad copy of Superman who just does the opposite of Truth, Justice and the American Way. Unfortunately, it would appear that Caroline Spelman has decided that this is the perfect job description of a Shadow Cabinet… Continue reading Caroline Spelman: “Me Am Bizarro Minister”