
You’ve got to be pretty bloody barking to be able to make Jack Straw look like a liberal by comparison. Fortunately however, we have Tory MPs Julian Lewis and Liam Fox. This pair of halfwits are calling for the BBC to be bitchslapped over their decision to broadcast an interview with a Taliban leader. I… Continue reading Foxwit

Ming’s marching

Further to my rather petulant post on Friday, I now am given to understand that Ming is likely to be there on 4 November. I’m also delighted to note that the button I mocked up on Friday is now listed on the official party buttons (see sidebar). So now you have NO excuse.

I (don’t) predict a riot

Trevor Phillips was confidently telling Sunday Times readers this weekend that Muslims will be rioting in the streets as a direct result of politicians saying beastly things about veils. The thing is though, Phillips seems to have been predicting race riots about pretty much everything, from Polish plumbers to the 7/7 attacks, for the past… Continue reading I (don’t) predict a riot