Emissions from BAA

According to the Guardian, the BAA have been denouncing aviation taxes at Tory Party conference in favour of emissions trading. Sounds fair enough – I think emissions trading is a good idea as well (indeed, the Lib Dems have been flying that particular flag long before it was fashionable). But I can’t help but get… Continue reading Emissions from BAA

Lazy Hague

Iain Dale is very admiring of William Hague – and it is fair to say that the bald one did a brilliant rabble rouser yesterday. But one issue troubled me. Hague is the Shadow Foreign Secretary. And, as per usual, there has been a lot of “foreign stuff” going on over the past few months,… Continue reading Lazy Hague

Just because you’re paranoid…

Oh dear, the police are getting bored. They’ve started enforcing arbitrary rules on the myriad leafleters delivering outside of the Labour Conference secure zone, forcing them to stand behind invisible lines that, remarkably didn’t exist yesterday. Of more concern, I’ve just watched half a dozen police officers spend half an hour filming an anti-vivisectionist handing… Continue reading Just because you’re paranoid…