The Blair/Brown circle jerk

The problem with the extreme-slow-motion-car-crash that is the Blair/Brown rift is that, apart from being appallingly tiresome, it tends to highlight to me why I don’t think Gordon Brown will make a particularly good Prime Minister. For certainly the last 6 years, he has been plotting away to undermine the PM every way he can… Continue reading The Blair/Brown circle jerk

Zachariah has a George Bush Snr moment

The Times, 18 February 2006: Taxes aren’t how Tories will save the world’ A CONSERVATIVE government would not introduce a “green” tax, according to the deputy chairman of the party’s commission on the environment. Zac Goldsmith, the son of the late Sir James Goldsmith and Editor of Ecologist magazine, who was appointed by David Cameron… Continue reading Zachariah has a George Bush Snr moment


A couple of things to say about Tommy Sheriden’s new party, Solidarity – the Scottish Socialist Movement. Solidarity from a splitter? He he he, at least he hasn’t lost his sense of humour. How long will it be before its name gets contracted to SM – one of the few things that Sheriden hasn’t been… Continue reading Splitter!