
British Muslim leaders are meeting with Ruth Kelly to talk about combating ‘extremism’ in sections of their community. This is the Ruth Kelly who attends Opu Dei meetings, although refuses to confirm or deny that she is a member of this highly conservative Catholic group. The same Opus Dei that provided spiritual comfort to Spanish… Continue reading Extremists

Social justice – Lib Dem style?

I really ought to go to bed, but I thought I’d leave you with this little snippet. According to the Lib Dem Treasury team notes about the tax commission’s new proposals, a retired couple on a £15,000 income living in a Band G house will be £1,578 better off under their proposals (assuming average environmental… Continue reading Social justice – Lib Dem style?

Taxing times

I have often found myself asking this question, and today is no exception: just what is Evan Harris going on about? “While these proposals do raise significant amounts of revenue from high levels of wealth, this is less true of high incomes,” he said, adding he would ask for the change at the party’s conference… Continue reading Taxing times