The malevolent domination of Simon Hoggart

Reading this sketch (ho, and indeed, hum) on the BBC website by Susan Hulme, I was struck by this thought: “why do so many bad sketch writers think that the way to do it is to impersonate Simon Hoggart’s personal writing style?” It’s all there: the short sentences, the lame gags about individual’s physical characteristics,… Continue reading The malevolent domination of Simon Hoggart

Common Purpose – the new Bilderberg?

Over the past few months I’ve become increasingly aware of the fact that a lot of conspiracy theories these days seem to revolve around an organisation called Common Purpose. Not a secret organisation, Common Purpose aims to “give leaders the skills, the connections and the vision they need to lead more effectively”. It’s a training… Continue reading Common Purpose – the new Bilderberg?

Glasnost reaches the BBC at last!

People wondering why the BBC left Emily Thornberry’s name off their report about her altering Electoral Commission press releases may be interested to note that her name has now been added to the story, along with the following statement: * Earlier versions of this story did not include the name of the MP as it… Continue reading Glasnost reaches the BBC at last!