Each week, the Guardian provides a religious person a written version of Radio 4’s Thought for the Day in the form of its column Face to faith. This week it is the turn of a chap called Nicholas Buxton, who has written on the familiar subject of ‘secularists just follow a different kind of religion.’… Continue reading Another thing to blame on secularism
Tag: science
Poo-pooing McKeith
An excellent article by Ben Goldacre in today’s Guardian about Gillian McKeith, who has just agreed to stop using the word “doctor” in adverts promoting her products on the not unreasonable grounds that she isn’t one (legal qualification: with a recognised accreditation).
Planet X
Spare a thought for the poor astrology community who, either way, will have their work cut out coping with the decision by the International Astronomical Union today. Either Pluto gets to remain a planet, and thus so will Xena and up to 50 other bodies circling the Sun, or it gets struck off the roster.… Continue reading Planet X