Nature always does contrive That every boy and every gal That’s born into the world alive Is either a little Liberal Or else a little Conservative. Iolanthe, W. S. Gilbert There was an interesting article in New Scientist last week about research suggesting a genetic basis for political opinion (You can’t read the full article?… Continue reading Can science find a cure for conservativism?
Tag: science
Science: not to be sniffed at
What’s the bloody use in a mouse that can catch a cold? Why don’t scientists do something more useful, or at least more ironic, such as engineering a mouse that can catch a cat?
The pope’s a dope!
Two recent stories about the state of the Catholic Church deserve repeating here. The first regarding Pope Benedict’s decision to pull out of a visit to a Rome university. The reason? Students are up in arms over his defence of the notorious trial of Galileo. Yep, that’s right. Ratzinger’s a flat earther and believes it… Continue reading The pope’s a dope!