Three Cheers for Tim Leunig!

Tim Leunig has written an excellent, one page article in the Green Lib Dems‘ Challenge magazine about why Lib Dem support for road user charging is thoroughly wrong headed. Sadly, you can’t read the article online as it is GLD policy not to do so in order to encourage you to join the organisation (for… Continue reading Three Cheers for Tim Leunig!

Who is worse news for Labour? Charles Clarke or Compass?

Gordon Brown has ruled out a handout to help people with winter fuel payments a few days after his office was insisting that he definitely wasn’t. Add those two together and you have the possibility of a windfall tax which will only be used to reduce the PSBR. Since this would almost certainly be total… Continue reading Who is worse news for Labour? Charles Clarke or Compass?

Why we need Land Value Taxation (part 893)

Another reason for LVT can be found in the Guardian today: Property tax leaves cities ‘looking like broken teeth’ · Government adviser attacks Darling policy · Empty buildings torn down to avoid payment I won’t bore you endlessly with the details, suffice to say that LVT is charged on the land itself, irrespective of what… Continue reading Why we need Land Value Taxation (part 893)