I knew the Downing Street epetition service was good for something: The Government has no overarching role in regulating or recognising personal belief or faith. The UK has a long held commitment to freedom of worship and belief, and people are free to form religions and free to follow their own practices and beliefs provided… Continue reading Tony Blair backs Jedi Rights
Tag: tony-blair
Downing Street Petitions: Initiative without Resolution
Well done to anti-road user charging campaigners for getting a million petition signatures on their Downing Street petition. As someone who has railed against this proposal, not from a motorist perspective but from an environmental and civil libertarian one, it is gratifying to see such a disastrous policy being given such a rough ride. It… Continue reading Downing Street Petitions: Initiative without Resolution
The State of British Politics, part 94
It says a lot that when I read the Times headline “Bringing down our own Capone” I naturally assumed it was about the Prime Minister.